This topic contains information about handling strings in VBScript and provides examples of operations that deal with strings. It contains the following sections:
Accessing individual character of a string
Searching for characters and substrings
Removing extra spaces from a string
Replacing characters and substrings
A String is a sequence of symbols or digits. Strings are among the most frequently used data types. Like any other data type, strings in TestComplete are represented as OLE-compatible variants. In VBScript, a sequence of literal characters, enclosed in double quotes ("), is recognized as a string. Single quotation marks (') are allowed within a string. To insert a double quotation mark into a string, it should be duplicated. The following is an example of string:
str1 = "The brig was heading to
str2 = "'Ahoy! Is there anyone?' - the captain cried."
str3 = """Nobody."" - was the answer."
To work with strings, TestComplete has a special scripting object - aqString
. The object is available for all supported scripting languages, so you can use it to work with string values regardless of the chosen language.
Method, Property | Description |
Adds a new item to a string list. | |
Changes the value of the string list item with the given index. | |
Compares two specified strings. | |
Concatenates two specified strings. | |
Removes an item with the given index from a string list. | |
Searches for a substring within the given string. Use this method instead of the obsolete | |
Generates a formatted string. | |
Retrieves a single character from the input string. | |
Returns the number of characters in a string. | |
Returns an individual item from the list passed through the input string. | |
Returns the number of items in the string list. | |
Inserts one string to another at the specified position. | |
Specifies a character used to separate individual values in a list. | |
Encloses the specified string in quotes. | |
Specifies a symbol used as a quotation mark. | |
Removes a number of characters from the input string. | |
Replaces all the occurrences of one substring with another substring. | |
Retrieves a substring from the input string. | |
Converts the specified string to lower case. | |
Converts the specified string to upper case. | |
Removes spaces and control characters from the specified string. | |
Converts a quoted string to an unquoted string. |
Another scripting object that can be used to work with strings is aqConvert
. This object has several methods that convert values of different types to a string and vice versa.
Method | Description |
Converts a currency value to a string using the specified format settings. | |
Converts a currency value to a string. | |
Converts the given date value to a string using the specified format. | |
Converts the given date value to a string. | |
Converts a floating-point value to a string. | |
Converts the given number into a string. | |
Converts the specified string to a currency value. | |
Converts the specified string to a date value. | |
Converts the specified string to a date/time value. | |
Converts the specified string to a floating-point value. | |
Converts the specified string to an integer value. | |
Converts the specified string to a time value. | |
Converts the specified variant value to a string. |
Furthermore, you can use native VBScript functions that operate with strings. A detailed description for these functions can be found at MSDN (the online version is available at The table below only lists major functions:
Function | Description |
Asc(string) | Returns the ASCII character code corresponding to the first letter in a string. |
Chr(charcode) | Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code. |
CStr(expression) | Returns an expression that has been converted to a variant of sub-type string. |
Escape(charString) | Encodes a string so it only contains ASCII characters. Non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character. |
InStr([startpos, ]string1, string2[, compare]) | Returns the position of the first occurrence for one string within another.The search can start at a given position and use binary (compare=0) or text (compare=1) comparisons. |
InStrRev(string1, string2[, start[, compare]]) | Returns the position of an occurrence for one string within another, from the end of string. The search can start at a given position and use binary (compare=0) or text (compare=1) comparisons. |
Join(list[, delimiter]) | Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array. |
LCase(string) | Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase. |
Left(string, length) | Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string. |
Len(string | varname) | Returns the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable. |
LTrim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces. |
Mid(string, start[, length]) | Returns a specified number of characters from a string. |
Replace(string, findstr, replacewith[, start[, count[, compare]]]) | Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times. |
Right(string, length) | Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string. |
RTrim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces. |
Space(number) | Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces. |
| Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings. |
StrComp(string1, string2[, compare]) | Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison. |
String(number, character) | Returns a repeating character string of the length specified. |
StrReverse(string) | Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed. |
Trim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without leading and trailing spaces. |
UCase(string) | Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase. |
Unescape(charString) | Decodes a string encoded with the Escape function. |
Special characters
In VBScript you can emulate any character by using the Chr
function with the appropriate ASCII code. This also applies to special characters that are used to format string values. Alternatively, you can emulate control characters using native string constants. The table below lists the most frequently used special characters and their constants.
Description | Character sequence |
Carriage return. |
Line feed. |
A combination of carriage return and line feed. |
New line. |
Form feed. |
Horizontal tab. |
Vertical tab. |
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