Wednesday, November 18, 2009

QTP’S test Object Functions:

Exist: You can enter Exist and/or Wait statements to instruct QuickTest to wait for a window to open or an object to appear. Exist statements return a boolean value indicating whether or not an object currently exists. Wait statements instruct QuickTest to wait a specified amount of time before proceeding to the next step. You can combine these statements within a loop to instruct QuickTest to wait until the object exists before continuing with the test.


blnDone=Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").Exist


While Not blnDone

Wait (2)

blnDone=Window("FlightReservation").Dialog("FlightsTable").Exist counter=counter+1

If counter=10 then


End if


Check Property: Checks whether the specified object property achieves the specified value within the specified timeout.

Syntax: object.CheckProperty (PropertyName, PropertyValue, [TimeOut])


var_CheckProperty = Browser("HP QuickTest Professional").Page("HP QuickTest Professional").Link("1.2 License Models").CheckProperty("text", "Licence Models")

Return Value

A Boolean value. Returns TRUE if the property achieves the value, and FALSE if the timeout is reached before the property achieves the value.

A TRUE return value reports a Passed step to the test results; a FALSE return value reports a Failed step to the test results.

GetTOProperty: Returns the value of the specified property from the test object description.

Syntax: object.GetTOProperty (Property)

Example : var_GetTOProperty = Browser("HP QuickTest Professional").Page("HP QuickTest Professional").Link("1.2 License Models").GetTOProperty("Innertext")

Return Value: A variant value which will have the inner text of the link “1.2 License Models”

GetROProperty: Returns the current value of the test object property from the object in the application.

Syntax: object.GetROProperty (Property)

Example : var_GetTOProperty = Browser("HP QuickTest Professional").Page("HP QuickTest Professional").Link("1.2 License Models").GetROProperty("Innertext")

Return Value: A variant value which will have the current inner text value of the link “1.2 License Models”

ReportEvent : Reports an event to the test results

Syntax: Reporter.ReportEvent EventStatus, ReportStepName, Details [, Reporter]


Reporter.ReportEvent 1, "Custom Step", "The user-defined step failed."


Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Custom Step", "The user-defined step failed."

SystemUtil.Run : You can run any application from a specified location using a SystemUtil.Run statement

Example:SystemUtil.Run"C:\ProgramFiles\InternetExplorer\IEXPLORE.EXE","","C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator","open"

The statement opens the Internet Explorer.

ExecuteFile: This can be used to execute an external VB Script File

Syntax: ExecuteFile FileName

Example : ExecuteFile “C:\sample.vbs”

The above discussed functions can be easily Accessed by step Generator:

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