Friday, November 27, 2009
TestComplete: - Programme customization
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Reading and Writing in Text File Vb Script
Friday, November 20, 2009
Extending Test Complete Trial License
TestComplete: Random Function
Random =Int ((max-min+1)*rnd+min)
end Function
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
VB Script and excel playing aroubd...
QTP’S test Object Functions:
Exist: You can enter Exist and/or Wait statements to instruct QuickTest to wait for a window to open or an object to appear. Exist statements return a boolean value indicating whether or not an object currently exists. Wait statements instruct QuickTest to wait a specified amount of time before proceeding to the next step. You can combine these statements within a loop to instruct QuickTest to wait until the object exists before continuing with the test.
blnDone=Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").Exist
blnDone=Window("FlightReservation").Dialog("FlightsTable").Exist counter=counter+1
Check Property: Checks whether the specified object property achieves the specified value within the specified timeout.
Syntax: object.CheckProperty (PropertyName, PropertyValue, [TimeOut])
var_CheckProperty = Browser("HP QuickTest Professional").Page("HP QuickTest Professional").Link("1.2 License Models").CheckProperty("text", "Licence Models")
Return Value
A Boolean value. Returns TRUE if the property achieves the value, and FALSE if the timeout is reached before the property achieves the value.
A TRUE return value reports a Passed step to the test results; a FALSE return value reports a Failed step to the test results.
GetTOProperty: Returns the value of the specified property from the test object description.
Syntax: object.GetTOProperty (Property)
Example : var_GetTOProperty = Browser("HP QuickTest Professional").Page("HP QuickTest Professional").Link("1.2 License Models").GetTOProperty("Innertext")
Return Value: A variant value which will have the inner text of the link “1.2 License Models”
GetROProperty: Returns the current value of the test object property from the object in the application.
Syntax: object.GetROProperty (Property)
Example : var_GetTOProperty = Browser("HP QuickTest Professional").Page("HP QuickTest Professional").Link("1.2 License Models").GetROProperty("Innertext")
Return Value: A variant value which will have the current inner text value of the link “1.2 License Models”
ReportEvent : Reports an event to the test results
Syntax: Reporter.ReportEvent EventStatus, ReportStepName, Details [, Reporter]
Reporter.ReportEvent 1, "Custom Step", "The user-defined step failed."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Custom Step", "The user-defined step failed."
SystemUtil.Run : You can run any application from a specified location using a SystemUtil.Run statement
Example:SystemUtil.Run"C:\ProgramFiles\InternetExplorer\IEXPLORE.EXE","","C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator","open"
The statement opens the Internet Explorer.
ExecuteFile: This can be used to execute an external VB Script File
Syntax: ExecuteFile FileName
Example : ExecuteFile “C:\sample.vbs”
The above discussed functions can be easily Accessed by step Generator:
VB Script File handling
File handling:
Writing Values From a File:
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Dim fso, MyFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", ForWriting, True)
MyFile.WriteLine "Hello world!"
MyFile.WriteLine "The quick brown fox"
Reading Values from a File:
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Dim fso, MyFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", ForReading)
Val= MyFile.ReadLine
Fetching Values from a Database using VBScript.
Set MyConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MyConn.Open"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DataSource=C:\Program”+_ "Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight32.mdb"
Set RS = MyConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Orders")
While Not RS.EOF
msgbox RS("Order_Number").Value
VB Script In built Functions
Command: InputBox.
Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and returns the contents of the text box.
Syntax: InputBox(“Enter your name”)
Command: MsgBox.
Displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button, and returns a value indicating which button the user clicked.
Syntax: MsgBox(“Hello World”)
String Functions:
StrComp: Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison.
Usage: A=Strcmp(“Hello”,”Hello”)
A will have value 0 which means true.
InStr: Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another
Usage: val1="welcome to
val will have value 12 . This means that the position of the word
array containing a specified number of substrings with respect to delimiter.
Now Sval(0) will have apple
That is
Date and Time Functions:
Now: Returns the current date and time according to the setting of your computer's system date and time.
Dim MyVar
MyVar = Now ' MyVar contains the current date and time.
DateAddf: Returns the number of intervals between two dates
DiffADate = "Days from today: " & DateDiff("d", Now,"2/7/2008" )
MsgBox DiffADate
DiffADate will have the no of days between today and "2/7/2008"
DateAdd: Returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added.
NewDate = DateAdd("m", 1, "31-Jan-95")
The NewDate will be “28-Feb-95”. One month latter than “31-Jan-95”
Day(now): This will return todays day alone. Like 21, 15 or 12
Hour(now): This will retun the current hour alone.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Disable Right click, Copy Paste from your webpage
Thinking of a way to make it more difficult for people to copy the contents of your blog? Here's a neat little JavaScript that will disable Copy and Paste.
<!-- Disable Copy and Paste-->
<script language='JavaScript1.2'>
function disableselect(e){
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")
if (window.sidebar){
Insert the code between the <head> and </head> tag.
However, there is no guarantee way to prevent your contents from being stolen.The JavaScript above can be easily bypassed by an experience internet user. E.g. If the browser's JavaScript is disabled, the code will not work.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Coloring your Message Log
Sunday, November 15, 2009
TestComplete: Working with Strings
This topic contains information about handling strings in VBScript and provides examples of operations that deal with strings. It contains the following sections:
Accessing individual character of a string
Searching for characters and substrings
Removing extra spaces from a string
Replacing characters and substrings
A String is a sequence of symbols or digits. Strings are among the most frequently used data types. Like any other data type, strings in TestComplete are represented as OLE-compatible variants. In VBScript, a sequence of literal characters, enclosed in double quotes ("), is recognized as a string. Single quotation marks (') are allowed within a string. To insert a double quotation mark into a string, it should be duplicated. The following is an example of string:
str1 = "The brig was heading to
str2 = "'Ahoy! Is there anyone?' - the captain cried."
str3 = """Nobody."" - was the answer."
To work with strings, TestComplete has a special scripting object - aqString
. The object is available for all supported scripting languages, so you can use it to work with string values regardless of the chosen language.
Method, Property | Description |
Adds a new item to a string list. | |
Changes the value of the string list item with the given index. | |
Compares two specified strings. | |
Concatenates two specified strings. | |
Removes an item with the given index from a string list. | |
Searches for a substring within the given string. Use this method instead of the obsolete | |
Generates a formatted string. | |
Retrieves a single character from the input string. | |
Returns the number of characters in a string. | |
Returns an individual item from the list passed through the input string. | |
Returns the number of items in the string list. | |
Inserts one string to another at the specified position. | |
Specifies a character used to separate individual values in a list. | |
Encloses the specified string in quotes. | |
Specifies a symbol used as a quotation mark. | |
Removes a number of characters from the input string. | |
Replaces all the occurrences of one substring with another substring. | |
Retrieves a substring from the input string. | |
Converts the specified string to lower case. | |
Converts the specified string to upper case. | |
Removes spaces and control characters from the specified string. | |
Converts a quoted string to an unquoted string. |
Another scripting object that can be used to work with strings is aqConvert
. This object has several methods that convert values of different types to a string and vice versa.
Method | Description |
Converts a currency value to a string using the specified format settings. | |
Converts a currency value to a string. | |
Converts the given date value to a string using the specified format. | |
Converts the given date value to a string. | |
Converts a floating-point value to a string. | |
Converts the given number into a string. | |
Converts the specified string to a currency value. | |
Converts the specified string to a date value. | |
Converts the specified string to a date/time value. | |
Converts the specified string to a floating-point value. | |
Converts the specified string to an integer value. | |
Converts the specified string to a time value. | |
Converts the specified variant value to a string. |
Furthermore, you can use native VBScript functions that operate with strings. A detailed description for these functions can be found at MSDN (the online version is available at The table below only lists major functions:
Function | Description |
Asc(string) | Returns the ASCII character code corresponding to the first letter in a string. |
Chr(charcode) | Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code. |
CStr(expression) | Returns an expression that has been converted to a variant of sub-type string. |
Escape(charString) | Encodes a string so it only contains ASCII characters. Non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character. |
InStr([startpos, ]string1, string2[, compare]) | Returns the position of the first occurrence for one string within another.The search can start at a given position and use binary (compare=0) or text (compare=1) comparisons. |
InStrRev(string1, string2[, start[, compare]]) | Returns the position of an occurrence for one string within another, from the end of string. The search can start at a given position and use binary (compare=0) or text (compare=1) comparisons. |
Join(list[, delimiter]) | Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array. |
LCase(string) | Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase. |
Left(string, length) | Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string. |
Len(string | varname) | Returns the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable. |
LTrim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces. |
Mid(string, start[, length]) | Returns a specified number of characters from a string. |
Replace(string, findstr, replacewith[, start[, count[, compare]]]) | Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times. |
Right(string, length) | Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string. |
RTrim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces. |
Space(number) | Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces. |
| Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings. |
StrComp(string1, string2[, compare]) | Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison. |
String(number, character) | Returns a repeating character string of the length specified. |
StrReverse(string) | Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed. |
Trim(string) | Returns a copy of a string without leading and trailing spaces. |
UCase(string) | Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase. |
Unescape(charString) | Decodes a string encoded with the Escape function. |
Special characters
In VBScript you can emulate any character by using the Chr
function with the appropriate ASCII code. This also applies to special characters that are used to format string values. Alternatively, you can emulate control characters using native string constants. The table below lists the most frequently used special characters and their constants.
Description | Character sequence |
Carriage return. |
Line feed. |
A combination of carriage return and line feed. |
New line. |
Form feed. |
Horizontal tab. |
Vertical tab. |
Friday, November 13, 2009
CPD User Names Module 12 November
Dim frmCPDMain
Dim panel
Dim frmUserAddEdit
Dim tabControl
Dim tabPage
Dim textBox
Dim groupBox
Dim ultraGrid
Dim file
Dim i
Sub Test1
Call Aliases.Explorer.wndShell_TrayWnd.ReBarWindow32.MSTaskSwWClass.ToolbarWindow32.CheckItem("Inter-Agency Child Protection Database - [User Names and passwords]", True, False)
Set cpd = Aliases.CPD
Set frmCPDMain = cpd.frmCPDMain
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Tools|User Names and passwords")
Set panel = frmCPDMain.MdiClient.frmUserMaster.panel2
Set frmUserAddEdit = cpd.frmUserAddEdit
Set tabControl = frmUserAddEdit.tabControl1
set file=DDt.ExcelDriver("D:\book1.xls","Sheet1")
while Not(file.EOF())
Call panel.toolStripProtocol.ClickItem("New")
Call tabControl.ClickTab("User")
Set tabPage = tabControl.tpUser
Set textBox = tabPage.txtUserName
Call textBox.Click(41, 6)
textBox.wText = file.Value("User")
Call textBox.Keys("[Tab]")
Set textBox = tabPage.txtPassword
textBox.wText = file.Value("Password")
Call textBox.Keys("[Tab]")
tabPage.txtConfirmPassword.wText = file.Value("Password")
Set groupBox = tabPage.grpBx
Select Case j
Case 1
tabControl.tpUser.chkIsAdmin.wState = cbChecked
case 2
groupBox.chkAddEditData.wState = cbChecked
groupBox.chkDeleteData.wState = cbChecked
groupBox.chkDropDown.wState = cbChecked
groupBox.chkCustReports.wState = cbChecked
groupBox.chkExImData.wState = cbChecked
groupBox.chkImportSystemConfig.wState = cbChecked
groupBox.chkDbBackup.wState = cbChecked
case 3
groupBox.chkAddEditData.wState = cbChecked
case 4
groupBox.chkDeleteData.wState = cbChecked
case 5
groupBox.chkDropDown.wState = cbChecked
case 6
groupBox.chkCustReports.wState = cbChecked
case 7
groupBox.chkExImData.wState = cbChecked
case 8
groupBox.chkImportSystemConfig.wState = cbChecked
case 9
groupBox.chkDbBackup.wState = cbChecked
case Else
MsgBox("Some Error occured with j")
exit Sub
end Select
set file=DDt.ExcelDriver("D:\book1.xls","Sheet1")
while Not(file.EOF)
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Logout")
Set frmLogin = cpd.frmLogin
Set textBox = frmLogin.txtUserName
Call textBox.Click(74, 10)
textBox.wText = file.Value("User")
Call textBox.Keys("[Tab]")
Set textBox = frmLogin.txtPassword
textBox.wText = file.Value("Password")
Call textBox.Keys("[Tab]")
Call frmLogin.btnOK.Keys("[Enter]")
Set frmChangePassword = cpd.frmChangePassword
Set tabControl = frmChangePassword.tabControl1
' -------------------Code to change password when user logs in for first time------------------------------
Call tabControl.Keys("[Tab]")
Call tabControl.ClickTab("User")
Set tabPage = tabControl.tpUser
Call tabPage.txtUserName.Keys("[Tab]")
Set textBox = tabPage.txtOldPassword
textBox.wText = file.Value("Password")
Call textBox.Keys("[Tab]")
Set textBox = tabPage.txtNewPassword
textBox.wText = file.Value("Password")
Call textBox.Keys("[Tab]")
Set textBox = tabPage.txtConfirmPassword
textBox.wText = file.Value("Password")
Call textBox.Keys("[Tab]")
Call frmChangePassword.btnSave.Keys("[Enter]")
Call cpd.dlgInterAgencyChildProtectionDatabase.btnOK.Keys("[Enter]")
MsgBox("Stop Script")
End Sub
Set cpd = Aliases.CPD
Set frmCPDMain = cpd.frmCPDMain
set frmperson = frmCPDMain.MdiClient.frmPerson
Set ultraGrid = Aliases.CPD.frmCPDMain.MdiClient.frmPerson.ctrlChildView.ugChild
Sub Test2
' Dim cpd
' Dim frmCPDMain
' 'TestedApps.CPD2.Run()
' Set cpd = Aliases.CPD
' Set frmCPDMain = cpd.frmCPDMain
'Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Tools")
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Children")
Log.Message( export_import(True))
'Log.Message("Export Import Menu bar" +CStr(exp_imp_menu()))
End Sub
'-------------------- Functions------------------------------------------------------
Function delete_buttons(flag)
' Checking toolbar delete
Log.Message("Toolbar Delete Button: "+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
'checking delete on right click
Log.Message("Right Click Delete Button: "+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
'checking delete on Registration Form
Call frmPerson.ctrlChildView.ugChild.ClickCellXY(1, 1, 55, 6)
Call cpd.frmChild_CaseData.pnlBase.flp.RegcustPanel.panel1.picBox.Click(31, 14)
Log.Message("Registration Form Delete Button: "+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
'checking Delete on Case Data Form
Call Aliases.CPD.frmChild_CaseData.pnlBase.flp.custPanel0.panel1.picBox.Click()
Log.Message("Case Data Form Delete Button: "+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
end Function
Function export_import(flag)
'Checking Export import in Menu
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Tools")
Log.Message("Export Import Menu bar"+CStr(flag2))
if not flag = flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
'checking Export Import in Tool Bar
Log.Message("Export In Tool bar"+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
Log.Message("Import In Tool bar"+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
Log.Message("Export to excel Toolbar"+CStr(flag2))
if flag<>flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
Log.Message("Transfer in Toolbar"+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
Log.Message("Referal in Toolbar"+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
'Checking Export Import in Tracing Request
Log.Message("Export in Toolbar Tracing Request "+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
Log.Message("Import in Toolbar Tracing Request "+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
Log.Message("Export To Excel in Toolbar Tracing Request "+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
'checking Record Matching
Log.Message("Export to Excel in Record Matching"+CStr(flag2))
if flag <> flag2 Then
Exit Function
end if
end Function
Function exp_imp_menu()
'---- i is a global variable ----
MsgBox(cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(3).Text)
While ((cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(3).Text <> "Import") AND i<20)
'MsgBox(cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(3).Text)
'MsgBox(cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(4).Text)
if (cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(3).Text = "Import" And cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(4).Text = "Export") then
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Tools")
if (cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(3).Visible = True And cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(4).Visible = True) then
end If
End if
end Function
Function exp_toolbar()
exp_toolbar=aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Export"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Function imp_toolbar()
imp_toolbar =aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Import"), cmpEqual, True, False)
End Function
Function exptoexcel_toolbar()
exptoexcel_toolbar=CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Export to Excel"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Function trnsfr_toolbar()
trnsfr_toolbar=aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Transfer"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Function refral_toolbar()
refral_toolbar = aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Referral"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Function export_cd_toolbar()
export_cd_toolbar=CompareProperty(CPD.frmCaseData.toolStripManageForm.wEnabled("Export"),cmpEqual,True, False)
end Function
Function import_cd_toolbar()
import_cd_toolbar=CompareProperty(CPD.frmCaseData.toolStripManageForm.wEnabled("Import"),cmpEqual,True, False)
end Function
Function open_cd_form()
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Children")
Call frmPerson.ctrlChildView.ugChild.ClickCellXY(1, 1, 55, 6)
Call Aliases.CPD.frmChild_CaseData.pnlBase.flp.custPanel0.panel1.picBox.Click()
end Function
Function close_cd_form()
End Function
' To Check Export Button on Tracing request
Function export_tr()
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Tracing Request")
export_tr=aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Export"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Function import_tr()
import_tr=aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Import"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Function exportoexcel_tr()
exportoexcel_tr = aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Export to Excel"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
' To check button in Record Matching
function exportoexcel_RM()
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Record Matching")
exportoexcel_RM=aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled("Export to Excel"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Function restore_backup()
' i=1
' While ((cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(3).Text <> "Backup") AND i<20)
' MsgBox(cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(3).Text)
' MsgBox(cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(4).Text)
' MsgBox(CStr(i))
' i=i+1
' Wend
'Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Tools")
if (cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(0).Text = "Backup" And cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(1).Text = "Restore") then
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Tools")
if (cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(0).Visible = True And cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(1).Visible = True) then
restore_backup = True
restore_backup = False
end if
restore_backup = False
End if
end Function
Function cust_dropdown()
if cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(7).Text = "Customize Drop-down Values" then
cust_dropdown = True
cust_dropdown = False
end if
end Function
Function cust_reports()
if cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(11).Text = "Customize Reports" then
cust_reports= False
end If
end Function
Function is_admin ()
if (Trim((cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(8).Text) = "User Names and passwords" And Trim(cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(13).Text) = "Set Time Scale Targets")) then
is_admin = True
is_admin= False
Log.Message(CStr(cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(8).Text))
Log.Message(CStr(cpd.WinFormsObject("ToolStripDropDownMenu", "", i).Items.Item_2(13).Text))
end If
end Function
' Checking Delete Button on Children - Tool Bar
Function del_toolbar()
del_toolbar=aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled(2), cmpEqual, True, False)
End Function
' Checking Delete function on Registration Form
Function del_regform()
del_regform = CompareProperty(CPD.frmPersonNew.ugTab.ugTabPageChild.toolStripManageForm.wEnabled("Delete"), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
' Checking Delete button ON - Case data Tool bars :
Function del_casedata_toolbar()
del_casedata_toolbar = CompareProperty(CPD.frmCaseData.toolStripManageForm.wEnabled("Delete"),cmpEqual,True, False)
end Function
' Checking Delete Button on Right Click menu
Function del_rightclk()
Call frmCPDMain.StripMainMenu.Click("Children")
Call ultraGrid.ClickCellRXY(3, "Status", 28, 6)
if CPD.WinFormsObject("ContextMenuStrip", "", 1).Items.Item_2(1).text= "Delete" then
end if
end Function
Function toolbar_new()
toolbar_new = aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled(0), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Function toolbar_edit()
toolbar_edit = aqObject.CompareProperty(frmPerson.toolStripChild.wEnabled(1), cmpEqual, True, False)
end Function
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Accessing Embeded Grid controls
//Code to access Rows
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Using third party Tab Control
Following code will be helpful if you are using any non microsoft/Java controls say Infrajestics :This function will click tabs
sub linkform_click(tabcontrol, linkformname)
dim I
for I = 0 to tabControl.Tabs.Count-1
if tabControl.VisibleTabs.get_Item(I).Text.OleValue= cstr(linkformname) then
tabControl.VisibleTabs.get_Item(I).Selected = true
end If
end Sub
Sunday, November 1, 2009
SQL Injection / Hacking security
Enter above line of code in username and hit login, you might get shocked when you actually login to the site with a valid user.
For testers this is an important point to ensure a secure application.
And for hackers a boon!! ;)
Blog Archive
- TestComplete: - Programme customization
- Reading and Writing in Text File Vb Script
- Extending Test Complete Trial License
- TestComplete: Random Function
- Accessing Grid Cell value
- VB Script and excel playing aroubd...
- QTP’S test Object Functions:
- VB Script File handling
- VB Script In built Functions
- Disable Right click, Copy Paste from your webpage
- Coloring your Message Log
- TestComplete: Working with Strings
- CPD User Names Module 12 November
- Accessing Embeded Grid controls
- Using third party Tab Control
- SQL Injection / Hacking security