Friday, September 5, 2014

How to downgrade to chrome last version

How to Downgrade Google Chrome on Windows ?

How to remove last chrome update

I found a solution for this type of problem, but the location of Chrome executable was wrongly mentioned there. So I’m mentioning with the correct location and path of Google Chrome here.
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application. This path is little different on 64 bit versions. It will be —Program Files (x86)—- and you can find this on the drive where your OS is installed.

2. You will find 2 different files out there: chrome.exe and old_chrome.exe.
old_chrome.exe is part of the Google Chrome update process – when a new version is downloaded, the actual executable is renamed to old_chrome.exe.
3. Rename chrome.exe to whatever and then rename old_chrome.exe to chrome.exe.
4. Restart Chrome and enjoy the result!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Selenium Webdriver dragging Scroll Bar of a Table or Window

after a lot of searching i stumbled upon this piece of code (Java):

Actions dragger=new Actions(drive);

WebElement draggablePartOfScrollbar= drive.findElement(By.className("mCSB_dragger_bar"));

int numberOfPixelsToDragTheScrollbarDown=300;


May be further modified using loops and specific logics.