Friday, September 5, 2014

How to downgrade to chrome last version

How to Downgrade Google Chrome on Windows ?

How to remove last chrome update

I found a solution for this type of problem, but the location of Chrome executable was wrongly mentioned there. So I’m mentioning with the correct location and path of Google Chrome here.
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application. This path is little different on 64 bit versions. It will be —Program Files (x86)—- and you can find this on the drive where your OS is installed.

2. You will find 2 different files out there: chrome.exe and old_chrome.exe.
old_chrome.exe is part of the Google Chrome update process – when a new version is downloaded, the actual executable is renamed to old_chrome.exe.
3. Rename chrome.exe to whatever and then rename old_chrome.exe to chrome.exe.
4. Restart Chrome and enjoy the result!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Selenium Webdriver dragging Scroll Bar of a Table or Window

after a lot of searching i stumbled upon this piece of code (Java):

Actions dragger=new Actions(drive);

WebElement draggablePartOfScrollbar= drive.findElement(By.className("mCSB_dragger_bar"));

int numberOfPixelsToDragTheScrollbarDown=300;


May be further modified using loops and specific logics.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Download KeyWord Driven Selenium Webdriver Automation Framework

Hi Testers!

Wanting to automate monotonous Manual test cases but programming a challenge?

I have a Solution that I am calling - FATE (Functional Automation Through English)

All you need to do now is just typing in English language in an Excel Sheet about what you want to perform

In another sheet provide object identification string (using any of - id, xpath, classname, cssselector from the page source html, In case not sure how to find ids or xpaths No Worries! No Big Deal! video will tell you that as well..)

Thats all, that is required and your tests are automated, no rocket science no need to learn any programming language or scripting language, Providing you here by a user friendly Automation Framework free of cost!*

Brief about the frame work:

Input to the Framework:

Sheet telling which test cases to execute
Sheet telling what Action to perform on which Object (with Test Data also supplied here) below image:

Most Actions are configured ie Click, Type, Select, Mouse Hover, Get_value from web grid, Search in grid and then Click, Wait, User Input, Pause etc

Sheet telling the Object Identification String , below image:

Output :

Test Results excel file with datetime stamp - below image:

Results Sheet:
Test Case ID, Test Step ID, Step Description, Step Execution DateTime, Result Pass/Fail, Error Screenshot

Exceptions Sheet:

Test Case ID, Test Step ID, Step Description, Step Execution DateTime, Exception Screenshot

I will soon add a Video of the same with demonstration..

So the solution basically Enables tests automation whe you just know simple English language rather than Java, C# or VB or Pearl Script.

No cost for any tool, all open source:   Selenium Webdriver and Java language
Framework most functions are Free of Cost.

To Grab the jars of this framework - FATE (Functional Automation Through English), please leave your email id / Contact number in the comments or email me directly 

* Only some features remain paid

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Problems with mouseover / mouse hover - Selenium Webdriver

Recently I had been having troubles simulating mouse over on chrome browser, the solution however was pretty simple , I was providing incorret xpath

Replacing //*[@id='rightContainer']/nav/ul/li[5]/a


worked for me , so rather hovering over link, i hovered over the list containing it, and the code remains as available widely:

    pcs_element= get_element(driver, objects_ob_identity_type, objects_ob_identity_val, steps_ob_name);
                        Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
                        org.openqa.selenium.Point coordinate=pcs_element.getLocation();
                        Robot robot=new Robot();
                        builder.moveToElement(pcs_element, 5,5).build().perform();
                        builder.moveByOffset(1, 1).build().perform();

would appreciate a thanks if this helped:)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Object Identification Chrome with QTP 11 - tricky

Hi All,

Observed  this strange behavior that QTP didnot recognise objects on chrome!


Record a script first on windows as usual selecting windows tab, say calculator, record objects.
Once objects for windows application are identified, some kind of changes happen in QTP
than now

It will record objects on web applications also say on Chrome.

After having done on windows as usual

You can now record objects on Web application / on Chrome as usual....

No Logic no reason...just thats how it worked for me!.

Happy Automation!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Calling Scripts Located on a Web Page From TestComplete Scripts

Select language for code samples Web Testing

Calling Scripts Located on a Web Page From TestComplete Scripts

See Also

Web pages may contain VBScript or JScript functions that perform certain actions. For example, a script function may be called upon pressing a button or clicking a hyperlink on a tested page. Sometimes it is necessary to call scripts that are located in the tested web pages from TestComplete script routines. You can call a web page script using the following syntax:

  • Internet Explorer or WebBrowser control:

    DOM model:

    Page(page_URL).document.Script.routine_name( [Parameter1, Parameter2, ...] )

    Tree or Tag model:

    Page(page_URL).Application.document.Script.routine_name( [Parameter1, Parameter2, ...] )
  • Firefox:

    DOM model:

    Page(page_URL).document.Script.routine_name( [Parameter1, Parameter2, ...] )

    Tree or Tag model:

    Page(page_URL).contentDocument.Script.routine_name( [Parameter1, Parameter2, ...] )
Note: If you use the Hybrid model, you can call scripts using both the DOM and Tree model syntax.
In DelphiScript, it is possible to call scripts located on web pages only if the Tree, Tag or Hybrid model is active. This functionality is not supported when using the DOM model.

Suppose that the tested web page holds the following HTML fragment:

HTMLCopy Code

To call the MyFunc function from TestComplete, you can access this function through the Script property of the document object. The following code demonstrates this.

Show Example

There is no relationship between the scripting language of the function located in a web page and the scripting language you use in TestComplete. As you can see, in our example we used a TestComplete VBScript routine to call a JScript function located on the tested web page.

Note that no parameter preparations are needed, because scripts on web pages and in TestComplete are OLE compatible. The only problem you may encounter are arrays. The point is that different scripting languages use different array models. The array model of a web script is compatible with the model implemented in VBScript, but it is not compatible with JScript, C++Script and C#Script (C++Script and C#Script are based on JScript and, therefore, they use the same array model). If you pass, for example, a VBScript array created in a TestComplete routine to a JScript function located on a web page, an error may occur. To solve the problem, you can use JScript’s VBArray object. For more information on this, please see MSDN (the on-line version is available at

Web pages may not hold scripts directly, but they can load them from a file that is specified as a script source. That is, a web page may hold the following HTML code:

HTMLCopy Code

TestComplete still has access to scripts located in the script source file (in our example, it has access to scripts located in MyScriptFile.js). You can call these scripts from TestComplete routines in the same manner that was described above.

See also
Web Testing | Testing Web Pages With TestComplete

© 2010 AutomatedQA Corp.
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Using Check and Cross mark in excel sheet

Use Marlett font for that cell
a refers to Check mark
r refers to Cross mark